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Additional Information Section on the Common App!

The Additional Information section has a 650 word limit and is a great place to discuss something that you feel like the rest for your application might still be missing because they weren't really covered in your essay prompts or any other section of the common app and could highlight your app. more. For instance, in my additional information section, I discussed the technical aspects of my science fair research. While some of my other essays referred to my research, they did not go into depth of what I actually did and I felt like this section was a great place for me to provide more details on what I actually researched over the four years! This is also the place to provide any details for special circumstances that might have occurred that could have made your application a bit weaker than it would have been otherwise (such as a significant grade drop/lack of extracurriculars/etc) Colleges understand things can happen and they're not looking for perfect applicants, but passionate applicants! So don't stress over what you feel might be weaker points of your application.

Summary: The additional Info session good to discuss anything else your app. might be missing to convey that's important to you!

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